Creamy Shrimp Alfredo

Happy Hump Day, everyone!

Tonight I tried my hand at a brand new recipe for the Walters’ home! Not only was this a new recipe but it was also my first time cooking shrimp so it was a little daunting.

As usual, I found this recipe on Pinterest, and decided to add my own twist to it. We try to be “healthy eaters” whenever possible, which typically means adding veggies randomly to our entrees and using whole wheat items. This recipe was pretty easy because it only called for three main ingredients (before I added the carrots).

I used one box of whole wheat thin spaghetti noodles, about one pound of pre-cooked shrimp, one jar of alfredo sauce, and one cup of carrots.

Start by boiling water for the noodles in a pot. While you are waiting for that, start warming some oil in a pan to cook the shrimp and carrots. Once the pan is warmed, add the shrimp and carrots and cook for about five minutes or until the shrimp is fully cooked. You can add any seasoning that you want. We love garlic so that is what I used along with a little black pepper. This was my first time after all, so it was kind of an experiment! Next time, I will add a little more! Once the noodles are done, drain and put them back into the pot. Add the jar of alfredo sauce and the pan of shrimp and carrots to the pot. Keep it all on the stove top for a few minutes so that sauce warms up and then you’re done! Serve it up and enjoy! We liked how this recipe turned out and will definitely be making it again! Just goes to show that sometimes you need to go outside your comfort zone and try new things!

We always make large quantities so that it provides us lunch for a few days 🙂


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